Schematic Minecraft For Mac


ONLY FOR 1.12.2 VERSION Place the schematic file into.minecraft/schematics then type #build name. Make sure the required blocks are in your hotbar! Try this and please also try adding the file extension to the path. Eg #build impact.schematic. Free download aquamarine movie. Also make sure you're typing the name correctly, check the file name. Rhino viewer for mac. The motherboard schematic diagram (.pdf) & Boardview (.brd) for Apple Macbook Pro 15' Touch bar 2018 (820-01041) laptop/notebook, Apple X1190 MLB. We are not an official Minecraft product and are not approved. Want to sell/release a WorldEdit Schematic? Add it as a resource here! Download MCEdit-Unified for Mac - User friendly Minecraft maps editor for Mac OS X that offers you the possibility to quickly edit or generate new game boards, or to export schematics for later use.

  • Introduction and Overview
    • What is printer?
    • What is its purpose?
    • Is it legal on Desteria?
    • How can I get it?
  • How to Download and Install
  • Configuring the Mod
  • Understanding and Using the Interface
  • Downloading and Exporting Schematics
  • Conclusion

Introduction and Overview
If you’ve been on the server during the last reset, or the Forums at all during the past few weeks, you’ve probably heard the term “printer”. If you’re on this thread, I’ll assume it’s because you’ve been unsure as to what this term means. If this is the case, keep reading!
What is “Printer”?
Printer is a feature of a popular mod named “Schematica”. Released for Minecraft versions 1.7.2 and above, the Schematica mod's profile on the Forge website describes its function as follows:
‘allows you to display a hologram, loaded from a schematic file, for easier rebuilding. You can also save your creations to schematic files and share them.’
Printer, specifically, is a function within this mod that allows you to auto-craft these holograms you place in front of you to otherwise be filled in manually. While printer is enabled, and your character holds the required materials in their inventory, while in range of an un-placed block in the hologram your character will automatically place the block into the world and work towards the completion of the hologram
What is the purpose of Printer?
Printer allows players to recreate pre-built structures more efficiently, as they are not required to go through the building process manually. Regarding the greater Schematica mod, via downloading other users schematics and installing them into your own Minecraft folder, the Schematica mod allows for the dissemination of new technology (cannons, defensive techs) to the greater Minecraft community by those who design them.
Is Schematica legal on Desteria, and what about Printer?
Printer is currently allowed on all of our realms, however you can only access it via the /printer command. In general you should only be using printer for cannons and not for base building or related matters.
How can I get Printer?
Continue reading. If you have any questions, feel free to post them down below!
How To Download and Install Schematica (and Printer within that)
If confused, click the “Screenshot” button, or any highlighted text. There you will find links and screenshots that should clear up any confusion.
  1. First, you’ll need to navigate to the Forge homepage where the mod and it’s required sister component can be downloaded. You’ll find that page here.
  2. From the Mod’s Forge page, click the “Files” tab such that you can find the version of the Mod appropriate for the Minecraft version you play on. (Screenshot)
  3. In front of you now are versions of the Mod that correspond to each Minecraft update. You may need to click on to the next page (button at the bottom of the page) to find the version right for you. You’ll want to use the most up-to-date version of the mod for the version of Minecraft you play on. Once you’ve found it, click the button with an arrow facing down, to the right of the file’s blue name. This will download for you the mod. (Screenshot)
  4. Before we can install the mod, however, we need to also download the sister mod that will allow Schematica itself to function as intended. For this, return to the mod’s homepage. Click the blue text that says “LunatriusCore”; this is the mod that allows Schematica to function. (Screenshot)
  5. Now on the mod page of the LunatriusCore mod, as we did above with the Schematica mod itself, select the “Files” tab again and download the newest version of the mod that corresponds to the version of Minecraft you intend to use it on.
  6. At this point you should have both the Schematica.jar file, as well as the LunatriusCore.jar files in your downloads folder. Move those two files to your desktop, for ease of access.
  7. Before outright installing these mods, however, we need to also install Forge. Forge is a software that most every mod depends on to function, similar to how Schematica (in addition to needing Forge-) relies on LunatriusCore. The download page for Forge can be found here. From this page, select the Forge version, like we did above, that corresponds to the version of Minecraft you intend to play on. Clicking on one of the versions will open up a dropdown of other updates within that family. (Screenshot)
  8. Once you click your version, you’ll be brought to another page. If you’re on a Windows computer, you’ll want to click the image labeled “Windows Installer” (see screenshot). If on a Mac, you’ll want to instead select the image labeled just “Installer” (again, see screenshot). (Screenshot)
  9. Clicking on the button that applies to you will bring you to the download page for this software. You’ll see some ads on this page, that is just so that the group that created Forge has a source of income. If you’re running an adblocker, you shouldn’t have a problem. You’ll need to wait a few seconds, and then a “skip” button will appear in the upper right of your screen. Click this. Doing so will download the Forge software. NOTE: Do your best to avoid clicking anything else that may appear on this page, you'll risk being redirected elsewhere. Immediately close any other tabs clicking the 'Skip' (download) button may open. (Screenshot)
  10. Find the Forge.exe (or Forge.jar, if on Mac) file in your downloads folder. Run this file. It should open a small window giving you the option to: “Install Client”, “Install Server”, or “Extract”. Ensure the first option, “Install Client”, is selected and click “Ok”. (Screenshot)
  11. The software will then install a new launch-options profile into your Minecraft launcher, one with Forge enabled. Open your Minecraft client, as now we need to set it as the profile in use. Once open, click the “Launch Options” tab. (Screenshot)
  12. You should see a profile named “Forge”. If this is NOT present, something has gone wrong. If it IS present, you’ve correctly installed Forge. (Screenshot)
  13. Now, click the “News” tab, and this will bring you back to the main page. (Screenshot)
  14. From here, select the the small green up-arrow to the immediate RIGHT of the large green “PLAY” button. Select your “Forge” profile from the available options that show up, and you’re good to go. (Screenshot)
  15. Now, before we can finish the installation of the Mod, you must open Minecraft and join either a server, or a world. Doing so will instruct your computer (via the Forge software) to generate some files within your .Minecraft folder that we will need soon. Having switched your profile to the Forge version (Step 14), now click the play button, and enter either a single player world or a multiplayer server. Having done this, you can close Minecraft and your Launcher.
  16. The next step is to install the mod itself. At this point, your Minecraft should be CLOSED. This step is going to vary based off of whether or not you’re on a Windows machine, or a Mac computer. If you’re on a Windows, you’ll want to navigate to the search bar of your computer, and enter: %APPDATA%. If you’re on a Mac, you’ll need to need to click the “Go” tab at the top of your Desktop. From there, hold down the ALT button on your keyboard, and you should see an option called “Library” appear. Select that option. If on a Mac, once in the Library folder, you’ll need to enter the “Application Support” folder. You should find your Minecraft folder inside. If on Windows, you will have found it by simply searching your computer for %APPDATA%. Either way, once you’ve found it, enter the folder.
  17. Inside the Minecraft folder now, you should see a plethora of folders. One of which should be “mods”. NOTE: If you ignored Step 15, there is a good chance you will not see the “mods” folder. Go back, and follow that step. If you still don’t see a “mods” folder, make a comment below and I’ll try to help you out. Assuming you see it, however, drag and drop the “Schematica.jar” AND “LunatriusCore.jar” mods you have waiting on your desktop into this folder.
  18. If you now go to your launcher, and enter the game using your Forge profile, congratulations! You should now have Schematica (and therefore Printer) installed onto your computer.

Configuring the Mod
For this guide I will be using the Minecraft 1.7.10 version of the Mod, so keep in mind, if you play on a different version of Minecraft THE INTERFACE MAY BE DIFFERENT. You may have to do a bit of tinkering on your own to get a hang of the mod, but the general functionality of the mod should be the same so this guide will still give you a good understanding of what to expect.
To use the mod, you’ll want to set up some keybindings beforehand. You may choose to set these keybindings to whatever your preference may be, but for the sake of the guide, I’ll give you what I use. You’ll want to go to the “Controls” area of your open Minecraft Client, and scroll down to the area labeled “Schematica”. I recommend setting “Load Schematica” to “L”, “Manipulate Schematica” to “M”, and “Save Schematica” to “I” (S is taken as the “walk backwards” keybinding). If you like, you may set a binding to “Next” and “Previous” layer, but I personally haven’t bothered as there is a way to use these functions within the interface of the mod itself.
Understanding and Using the Interface
“Load Schematic”: “L” - Screenshot
This function is what you will use to load a schematic into your game once you’ve created one, or once you’ve downloaded one and moved it into your Minecraft Folder. (Information on how to do these things can be found later in the guide.) Assuming you have one, select it from the list of available items, and then click Done. If you instead see ‘-- No Schematic -- “, that means you haven’t created or downloaded any.
“Manipulate Schematic”: “M” - Screenshot
Assuming you have a schematic created or installed however, pressing “M” will allow us to manipulate the hologram once we’ve loaded it via the “L” button. Going over all of the available buttons in the interface, we’ll start in the bottom left with “Materials”. This opens a list of all of the materials you would need to have in your inventory to fully complete the build, as well as how many of each block. Beneath that, we find the infamous “Printer” button. Setting this button to “On”, will automatically begin placing blocks from our inventory in their allotted location within the hologram, as long as we’re in range. Moving now to the right side, the “Unload” button will remove the loaded schematic from its active state, meaning you would need to re-load it again using “L”. Next we see the “ALL” button, which in reality is a toggle. The button switches between two states: “All”, and “Layers”. If you have “All” selected, the entirety of the hologram will be visible. If you instead use “Layers”, and change the number in the textbox below (either by typing it out, clicking the + or -, or using the “Next”/”Previous” buttons you may have keybound above-), you will be telling the mod to show you ONLY the blocks on the Y axis of the hologram you’ve listed. For example, “1” will show you the bottom layer of blocks in your build, so on and so forth. Next, the “Hide” button will temporarily hide the hologram, but not unload it completely. Clicking the button again will make it reappear. Selecting “Move Here” will move the hologram to your current location, if you’ve moved, relative to where the Schematica’s creator was standing when the hologram was saved on their computer originally. “Rotate” and “Flip” respectively turn and invert the hologram in front of you, if possible.
Most importantly we now look at the “Move Schematic” buttons in the middle of the screen. This is what you will use to move your hologram such that you can position it to exactly where you want it. If you were unaware, Minecraft is mapped out by three axis. “X”, being the first, marks your movement along the North/South axis of the world. “Z”, the second, marks your movement along the East/West axis. And finally, “Y”, refers to your height relative to bedrock. With this in mind, you can adjust the “X”, “Y”, and “Z” values of your hologram via the available buttons to shift your design into the position you desire it. Once done, you may begin printing or building it by hand.
NOTE: The key to understanding how to work with holograms is understanding the color key they utilize. If a block is bright blue, such as the entire hologram should be, that means the block has not been placed yet. If within the hologram a block has its normal color, that means it’s been placed correctly. If a block appears red, that means the wrong block has been placed into that location. If a block appears orange, that means the right block is present, but it is not in the right state. This could mean a repeater is on the wrong setting, a comparator isn’t on, or a dispenser is unfilled - perhaps a piston is not extended but should be, etc. Finally, a pinkish-purple block describes the scenario in which a block is present in a given location, but is not a part of the schematic. You've added something in surplus, not in replacement, that is not required by the build.
“Save Schematica”: “I” - Screenshot
The save interface is probably the trickiest for new users to wrap their head around, but is one of the most important. This will be the interface that allows you to create and save your OWN schematics. Once you’ve built something worth saving, press “I”, and we’ll begin. The first step will be to click the “OFF” button in the bottom right, such that it changes to “ON”. This tells the mod you want to map out a build to be saved as a hologram. Having done this, press the “Red Point” button. You should see a red holographic block appear somewhere near you. Move diagonally away from where you were, in any direction, and then press the “Blue Point” button. This should spawn a blue holographic block. If you notice, these blocks are connected by green lines that together make up a three dimensional shape. The inside of this three-dimensional green shape is what will be saved as your hologram. With this in mind, move your red and blue point holograms (similar to how we moved our holograms with the “M” button”), such that the green shape has totally captured the build you want to save as a Schematic. (Example) Once done, in your “I” menu again, in the bottom right give your Schematic a name in the empty text bar in between “On” and “Save”, and then press the “Save” button. Congratulations, you’ve just made your first hologram. You should now see it by pressing “L”, and be able to load and manipulate it.
Downloading Schematics, and Exporting Yours to Others
One of the most beautiful parts of the Schematica mod is that the holograms you create in-game are stored as files on your computer. This means, you can share them with your friends, and that you can download and use those created by others. To find your schematics folder, press “L” in-game to open the “Load Schematic” page. Then, at the bottom of the screen, click the “Open Schematic Folder” button. This will automatically bring you to a location in your Minecraft folder (instructions on how to get here manually can be found above in Step 16 of the installation guide) called the “schematics” folder; where your schematics are stored. Should you want to give your schematic to a friend, simply copy and send them that schematic file! Have them put it into their “schematics” folder, and they’ll be able to load it into their game and manipulate it. Downloading schematics for cannons, base defenses, or anything else works like this as well - simply acquire the file from the internet and put it into your folder. If done correctly, it will then be loadable.
Closing Thoughts
Hopefully this guide has given you a good idea of how to download and use this mod. As I said, if you’re on a different version of Minecraft and therefore the mod - I apologize if some of this information is outdated or doesn’t apply to you. It’s entirely likely that the most modern versions of the mod have additional features, and if you’d like it, I’d be happy to help you look into and understand them. If you have any additional questions, or had any problems with the installation, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me below and I’d be happy to assist you.
This guide is in no way meant to be an argument that Printer should be enabled on Desteria in the coming update (there was discussion that a comprehensive guide on the mod could hopefully dispel the issue of some players having access to the mod, and some not, which was a leading argument of Lemon’s as to why the feature will be disabled on the new realms), this is simply a guide made in the interest of disseminating information to the community and helping everyone grow their knowledge as players. In the likely scenario Printer is NOT allowed on the Auren and Besen realms of the coming update, this guide can still serve as relevant to the players of Ciera, and those aiming to learn the mod while it remains legal for the remainder of 11.0.
I hope you enjoyed the read. Please leave any comments, feedback, or questions you may have below.Mac

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Schematic Minecraft For Mac Windows 10
