Witcher 3 Best Weapon Runes
And what weapon you using. If you sword already have. The best swords you get from meteorites/runes is when you use 3 equal meteorites/runes. According to the Witcher-wikia the Gwalhir is a pretty nice sword you can buy from the blacksmith's son in your current chapter.
The weapon buff system in Witcher 3 is really complex and at times confusing -- especially to new players. There are ten runestones in the game with different buff options that may be applied to the three available slots in your weapons.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt; Question about weapon effects. Once you find out what you like the best, you can continually use those Greater runes for that enhancement and you can have old weapons. Runestones in the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt are special upgrade items applied to open Weapon and gear slots. There are many kinds of runes, with different effects and potencies. Runestones have a property, a certain weight, and a currency value. Please fill in missing or incorrect information to help the community.
It takes all 3 rune slots of each item and you cant have regular rune abilities on the item at the same time-You only get to use them on your swords and body armor-Most of the abilities are less useful than many runes/glyphs. The only really useful ones to me are Lv 1 Preservation and Lv 2 Severance. The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone expansion added a new mechanic in Runewords and Glyphwords. These enchantments imbue weapons and armor with special traits not available anywhere else. Glyphwords are for armor, but for this guide, we wanted to take you through the best Runewords for The Witcher 3. Preservation A feature we’ve loved since.
If you know which runestones are the best, then you will always have an advantage over your enemies. In this guide, you will find a few suggestions on the top-tier runestones in Witcher 3.
Best Runestones for Swords in Witcher 3
The art of combining runestones is something that comes only with experience. It very much depends on your build and the weapons you’re using. You will find that the combination of attack power and armor piercing works great for melee builds, while stun/stagger/freeze effects work best in sign builds.
Alternatively, you could focus on one runestone and buff your weapon with only that one, which either compliments your weapon’s stats or adds something new to it. In any case, below you will find the most universally acknowledged runestones in Witcher 3.
Tier 1: Chernobog Runestone
This runestone is practically universal, as it buffs the attack power of your swords. Any type of sword would want at least one slot dedicated to Chernobog, as some enemies may be immune to poison, freeze, and even stun effects. But no enemy will stand the sheer force of the attack power!

Of course, it is best applied to swords with an already effective damage, such as the new silver sword from Blood and Wine DLC -- Aerondight.
Tier 2: Triglav and Devana Runestones
Witcher 3 Best Sword Upgrades
Triglav gives your weapon a chance to stun an enemy, while Devana inflicts bleeding. Stun is much better than stagger or freeze effects, as usually it lasts longer and will give you more time to finish off your opponents.
Devana is super useful against hard-to-kill monsters that possess a lot of health points. It will make them bleed, and thus lose life more hastily.
Tier 3: Svarog Runestone
The monsters are not the only enemies you will face in Witcher 3 -- there are also human enemies to be dealt with. Most of them wear some sort of armor, so having a Svarog runestone in your steel sword will be especially effective against them, as it enhances the armor piercing of your weapons.
Honorable Mentions
Since many bosses in the game are immune to stun, then having a freeze buff of the Zoria runestone would be more useful. If you’re using the greater one, then the effect may last even longer than that of the stun.
Lastly, if you like to use your spell signs often, then having the sign intensity Veles runestone on both of your silver and steel swords would be a great idea. Remember that you will get the bonus for your signs only when you’re using the appropriate weapon, and that is why putting Veles in both of your swords is the way to go.
Hopefully, this short advice will help you choose the best runestones for your particular build. And make sure to check out many other Witcher 3 guides here at GameSkinny:
Embody the five virtues of Toussaint and complete good deeds to earn the best sword in Blood and Wine, the final major expansion for The Witcher 3. The legendary Relic Silver Sword is given by the mysterious Lady of the Lake — but only if Geralt can complete five tasks and live-up to the high standards of the local knights. There are multiple ways to embody each of the five virtues. Check out the full quest guide to find five examples that can be completed early in your DLC adventure and earn Aerondight.
If you’ve met the Duchess Anna Henrietta in the quest ‘The Beast of Toussaint’ you’ll learn about the five virtues in conversation. These five virtues are; compassion, generosity, honor, valor, and wisdom. Even if you’ve missed your chance and completed some of the quest examples listed below, there are plenty of ways to embody the virtues — try playing through the main story and returning to the lake. Geralt needs to take those extra steps to prove himself, because the Aerondight is one of the best swords available in The Witcher 3.
Aerondight | Best Swords Guide
The powerful Aerondight sword appeared in Witcher 1 and Witcher 2, and finally returns in Witcher 3: Blood and Wine. In Witcher 1, the sword was also given by the Lady of the Lake, although Witcher 3 requires slightly more from Geralt.
To earn the powerful Aerondight Silver Sword, follow these steps:
Witcher 3 Best Weapon Runescape
- Aerondight is acquired during the quest “There Can Only Be One” — accept the quest at the Notice Boards of Toussaint.
- Alternatively, travel to the lake west of Corvo Bianco and talk to the Hermit in the center of the water.
- To complete this side quest, you must complete five tasks so that Geralt embodies the five virtues.
- Compassion: During the quest ‘The Beast of Toussaint’, choose to spare the Shaelmaar beast.
- Generosity: After completing ‘The Beast of Toussaint’ and post-‘Blood Run’ explore the city of Beauclair. A child messenger will arrive and deliver the quest ‘Turn and Face the Strange’ — give the child a tip.
- Honor: Start the quest ‘Warble of a Smitten Knight’ in the Tourney Grounds south of Corvo Bianco. Talk to Guillame in the Medical Tent area. Following the race, choose to duel your opponent and come out victorious.
- Valor: In the same side quest, ‘Warble of ta Smitten Knight’, you’ll track the paramour into the forest. Upon returning, choose to complete the Tourney.
- Wisdom: Continue the main story until you reach ‘La Cage Au Fou’ and examine the Wight’s lair before hiding in the wardrobe. Investigate the table and cauldron, then choose to lift the curse.
- To lift the curse, choose to have dinner without spoons. No spoons allowed.
- Return to the Hermit in the lake west of Corvo Bianco and the Lady of the Lake will appear, providing Geralt with the best silver swords in Toussaint.
Aerondight Silver Sword:
- Category: Magical
- Type: Silver Sword
- 0 Rune Slots
- Special: +10% damage per successful hit, up to +100% damage bonus
- Base Damage: 508-620
- Weight: 2.86
Fully explore the region of Toussaint with every how-to and guide for Witcher 3: Blood & Wine on Gameranx:
Witcher 3 Sword Runes
Source: [1], [2]