Soal Bahasa Inggris Online

Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Online Kelas 6 SD Semester 1 ( Ganjil ) – Langsung Ada Nilainya Dalam postingan ini, Bimbel Brilian mempublikasikan latihan soal ulangan akhir semester berbentuk online. Latihan soal ulangan akhir sesemester ( UAS ) Online ini dibuat praktis dengan harapan bisa memudahkan putra-putri anda dalam belajar. Latihan Soal Online PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Tahun 2019 K13 Try Out UAS Semester 1. Jadwal PAS atau UAS semester ganjil ini rencana akan dilaksanakan pada akhir bulan November 2019. Admin Rukim.ID siapkan paket latihan soal online berupa prediksi soal PAS atau UAS dengan kombinasi LOTS MOTS HOTS dan fresh (terbaru) dalam tajuk Try Out Online.


Kumpulan 200 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan

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This section is for number 1 to 10

After Keyra … (1) the coyote so much cunning he became very ambitious and … (2) to do many things which were very much too … (3) for him and which Keyra never intended he should do. One of them … (4) got so conceited that he thought he could … (5) with the stars and so he asked one of them to fly close to the top of a … (6) and take him by the paw and let him dance once around through the sky. The star only laughed at him and … (7) its eye, but the next right when it came around, it sailed close to the mountain and took the coyote by the paw, and flew away with him through the sky. But g the … (8) coyote soon grew tired of dancing this way, and could not wait for the star to come around to the mountain again. He … (9) down at the earth and it seemed g quite near to him, and as the star could not g I wait or fly low just then, he let go and leaped down. Poor … (10) He was ten whole snows in falling, and when he struck the earth he was smashed flatter than a willow mat or a frog in the road.

1. The correct answer is ….

a. give
b. gave
c. given
d. gain

2. The correct answer is ….

a. will
b. would
c. want
d. wanted

3. The correct answer is ….

a. hard
b. hear
c. hom
d. hunt

4. The correct answer is….

a. ons
b. owl
c. once
d. okay

5. The correct answer is ….

a. dream
b. drug
c. dance
d. dragon

6. The correct answer is ….

a. mountain
b. monumen
c. mobile
d. making

7. The correct answer is ….

a. wine
b. winked
c. well
d. want

8. The correct answer is ….

a. tools
b. tone
c. too
d. foolish

9. The correct answer is ….

a. like
b. looked
c. loan
d. lime

10. The correct answer is ….

a. coyote
b. cone
c. come
d. cube’

11. Ana : Do you want some chocolate?
Aida: ….

a. I know.
b. I’m okay.
c. I am happy.
d. Yes, please.

12. Mr. Tamam: Could you give me two bottles of soft drink?
Waitress : How about ice tea?

a. Here it is.
b. Yes, please.
c. I’m sorry we don’t have it.
d. I’d love it.

13. Mia : … to take the suitcase in the car?
Refan: With my pleasure.

a. would you like
b. here you are
c. nothing
d. I could help you

Dialog for number 14 and 15

Viola: Hello?
Wuri : Hello. Is Vivian there? This is Wuri.” Viola: “Oh, hi Wuri. I am sorry she is at the office.
Wuri :…. (14) for her?
Viola: Of course.
Wuri : Well, I just remain her to come to Dina’s party this afternoon. Did you get my message?
Viola: Yes, I did. Don’t worry I’ll tell her.”
Wuri:…. (15). Goodbye.
Viola: Bye Wuri.

14. The correct answer is ….

a. Well, can I leave the message
b. That’s fine
c. I know what you mean
d. I’m really sorry to hear that

15. The correct answer is ….

a. I’m sorry I can’t
b. Thank you Viola
c. No problem, dear
d. Yes, you’re right

Text for number 16 and 17

Dolphin Attraction Show


  • Rp. 25,000 (adult)
  • Rp. 10,000 (child)

Opening hours: 10.00 a.m. – 18.00 p.m Monday-Sunday


  • Walrus Show
  • Swimming with the dolphins
  • Magic show
  • Lucky draw

16. How long does the show in a day?

a. five hours
b. six hours
c. seven hours
d. eight hours .

17. The followings are featured in the show, except….

a. Walrus show
b. Photo session with the dolphin
c. Magic show
d. Lucky draw

18. X: You look so tired…. did you walk?
Y: More than six kilometres, I think.

a. how far
b. how long
c. how many
d. how big

19. letter – her – Risti – a – village – writes – to – in – the – often – parents
The correct arrangement is ….

a. Risti often writes a letter her parents to in the village.
b. Risti often writes a letter to the village her parents in.
c. Risti often writes a letter to her parents in the village.
d. Risti often writes a letter in the village to her parents.

20 The followings belong to fable, except. ‘

a. The grasshopper and the Ant
b. Cinderella
c. Mouse deer and the Crocodiles
d. Turtle and the Hare Jawaban: b

[su_spoiler title=”Answer” icon=”folder-1″]

  1. Jawaban: b
    Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks rumpang tersebut adalah “gave”
  2. Jawaban : d
    Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks rumpang tersebut adalah “wanted”
  3. Jawaban: a
    Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks rumpang tersebut adalah “hard”
  4. Jawaban: c
    Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks rumpang tersebut adalah “once”
  5. Jawaban: c
    Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks rumpang tersebut adalah “dance”
  6. Jawaban: c
    Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks rumpang tersebut adalah “mobile”
  7. Jawaban: b
    Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks rumpang tersebut adalah “winked”
  8. Jawaban: d
    Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks rumpang tersebut adalah “foolish”
  9. Jawaban: b
    Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks rumpang tersebut adalah “looked”
  10. Jawaban: a
    Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks rumpang tersebut adalah “coyote”
  11. Jawaban: d
    Jawaban yang paling benar adalah d, untuk melengkapi percakapan dengan ungkapan menawarkan sesuatu, apabila menerima maka yang sesuai yaitu “yes please”
  12. Jawaban: c
    Jawaban yang paling benar adalah c, jika tidak menyetujui memberikan sesuatu maka ungkapan yang paling sesuai yaitu “I’m sorry we don’t have it”
  13. Jawaban: a
    Jawaban yang paling benar adalah a, untuk menawarkan sesuatu maka digunakan ungkapan: “Would you like”
  14. Jawaban: a
    Jawaban yang paling benar adalah a, merupakan ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memeperpanjang percakapan dalam telepon.
  15. Jawaban: b
    Jawaban yang paling benar adalah b, karena merupakan ungkapan yang digunakan untuk mengucapkan terimakasih (gratitude)
  16. Jawaban: d Pertunjukan Pentas Lumba-lumba berlangsung dari jam 10 pagi sampai jam 6 sore, setiap hari sama dengan delapan jam (eight hours).
  17. Jawaban: b Photo session with the dolphin bukan merupakan bagian dari pertunjukan. Karena yang merupakan bagian dari pertunjukan adalah “swimming with the dolphins”
  18. Jawaban: a
    Jawaban yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi dialog tersebut adaiah “How far”, karena jawaban “More than six kilometers” menyatakan jarak.
  19. Jawaban: c Sudah jelas
  20. Jawaban: b Sudah jelas.


Contoh soal selanjutnya :

Semoga artikel ini menambah wawasan kalian dalam menjawab latihan soal di sekolah.

Good Luck!


Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris

1000 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar: Preposition-Tenses berlatih soal-soal grammar online lewat internet? Belajar aja di SBI. Pelajari soal-soal dibawah ini:

Name : ____________________

Contoh soal olimpiade bahasa inggris



  1. The building is hidden ….. some trees.
    • on
    • at
    • to
    • which
    • by
  2. Professor Patrick has translated many English books …. from Indonesia.
    • for
    • with
    • into
    • after
    • to
  3. My mother was so angry that he did not even look …. me.
    • for
    • at
    • into
    • in
    • on
  4. The public library has …. books than our school library.
    • must
    • more
    • many
    • much
    • So much
  5. Are there …. things to do before we leave?
    • many more
    • much more
    • more of many
    • very many
    • few only of
  6. He is …. than I am.
    • more happy
    • most happy
    • happier
    • happiest
    • the more happy
  7. “if I taught the class, I …. give tests”, Ann said.
    • wouldn’t
    • will not
    • will not to
    • would to not
    • shall
  8. I could fly home if I …. a bird.
    • was
    • were
    • is
    • has being
    • has been
  9. Water will freeze if the temperature …. below 00
    • gone
    • went
    • is going
    • goes
    • going
  10. We were still eating our dinner when the visitor…
    • arrived
    • were arrived
    • arriving
    • had arrive
    • have arrived
  11. As I …. crossing the street, two cars went by at full speed.
    • am
    • is
    • were
    • was
    • had
  12. Sam is not eating his food. He …. be hungry
    • must not
    • may
    • must have been
    • can not
    • must to

1. ‘When I called Jane at home there was no answer; She might have gone to school’ The underlined words mean ….

  • It is clear that she went to school
  • I am sure that she has gone to school
  • It is not likely that she will go to school
  • It is possible that she has gone to school
  • I don’t think that she has gone to school

2.’I could have somebody else to carry that box’ means ….

  • I carried that box
  • Somebody else carried that box
  • I asked somebody to carry that box
  • I would ask somebody to carry that box
  • I don’t want to carry the box

3.My brother …. to write a letter last month.

  • is used
  • can
  • dare to
  • used
  • will

4.Excuse me. I didn’t understand …. you …. repeating what you said?

  • would, mind
  • must, for
  • could,like
  • would, like
  • can, mind

5.Nina asked me, “why did those visitors leave so early?”

Nina asked me why the visitors …. so early.

  • have been leaving up
  • have left
  • had left
  • leaving
  • lack not

6.“Don’t lock your door!”, my mother asks.

My mother asks me …. my door.

  • to not lock
  • not to lock
  • to lock
  • lock to
  • lock not to
Soal Bahasa Inggris Online

7.Prabu: “Ratu, are you going to let me go without you?”

It means :

  • Prabu asked whether Ratu is going to him go without her.
  • Prabu asked Ratu to let him go without me
  • Prabu told Ratu that she was going to let him go without her
  • Prabu asked Ratu if she was going to let Ratu go without him.
  • Prabu asked if she was going to let Ratu go without him

9.…. in the demonstration.

  • I ordered them to not become involved
  • I ordered not to become involved to them
  • I ordered them not to become involved
  • I ordered to them become not involved
  • I ordered become not involved to them

10.“Since when hasn’t she called you?”

“Since she …. from Surabaya.”

  • returned
  • has returned
  • was returning
  • had returned
  • has been returning

11.Who do you …. Will win the match?

  • think
  • had think
  • thinks
  • thinking
  • thought

12.A strong wind …. down a few rubber trees yesterday

  • blown
  • blowed
  • blew
  • blowing
  • blow

13.We seldom see bats flying …..the day.

  • inside
  • for
  • during
  • until
  • on to

14.Next week, I …. My old friend in my favourite café.

  • will be meeting
  • would met
  • am meeting
  • would have been
  • meets

15.She can’t speak Arabic at all, and ….

  • he can either
  • he cant either
  • neither can’t he
  • so can’t he
  • he can’t too

16.Dewi had brought two magazines and ….

  • so did Ella
  • neither had Ella
  • Ella did too
  • Ella does too
  • So had Ella

17.Didi works …. than Nunu.

  • most careful
  • more careful
  • more carefully
  • most care
  • most carefully

18.My young sister is …. of her friends.

  • more and more beautiful
  • the more beautiful
  • the most beautiful
  • most beautiful
  • more beautiful

19.I have just been aware of the fact that …. you.

  • 2 times more smart as
  • much more smart than
  • much smarter than
  • twice sweater than
  • twice so smarter as

20.Alis bag …. as Didi’s bag.

  • is the same shape
  • is likes
  • are similar
  • is alike
  • is same with

21.The …. question is read ….

  • good, good
  • good, well
  • well, good
  • well, well,
  • best, well

22.Lisa was ….

  • real happy
  • really happily
  • happy happily
  • happily really
  • really happy

.23Anna washes her plates

  • clean
  • cleanly
  • cleanny
  • cleaner
  • cleaning

24.My mother …. buys an …. book for me.

  • unusually, unusual
  • unusual, unusual
  • unusual, unusually
  • unusually, unusually
  • Unusual, usually

Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

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