Gal Gun 2 Mods

Gal Gun 2 Mods

GC-XX in More Planets file means Galacticraft build number is recommended to play with this mod. How to install - Install Minecraft Forge depends on version of the Minecraft you wanted to play (Recommended or Latest if possible) - Download Galacticraft - Download SteveKunG's Lib - Download mod and put it into your.minecraft/mods folder. I played Gal gun Double Peace and I liked it. I think I got it for 20 Canadian dollars while it was on a deal. But 80 Canadian dollars for Gal gun 2? That sounds like a rip-off. Gal gun Double Peace was no where near a triple-A game. Does it have VR support for the ps4? Because that is the only reason I can think of for the game to be a triple.

Download the fix: 3Dfix-GalGun+Double+Peace-2016-11-09.zipMod


  • Various automatic HUD depth adjustments (refer to Keys below)
  • Shadows
  • God Rays
  • Halos


Gal Gun 2 Mods Minecraft

Extract the zip file under:

Open GalGun Double PeaceEngineConfigBaseEngine.ini and search for:


Change it to True:


  • ~ = Toggle between two convergence presets
  • 1 = HUD to 2D screen depth (use for menus)
  • 2 = HUD to first vertex depth (selected by default, recommended for gameplay)
  • 3 = HUD to individual vertex depth (like 2, but HUD elements may be more skewed)
  • 4 = HUD to mouse depth (Periodically move the mouse to all four sides to calibrate)
  • 5 = HUD to depth of screen center

Known Issues

Parts of the HUD will break when a HUD adjustment is active.


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Gal Gun Double Peace

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