Each Character%27s Super Objective In Hamlet

Each Character%27s Super Objective In HamletHamlet

Laertes Loyal, brash, dedicated youth Hamlet Tormented prince; grieving over his father's death Horatio Intelligent, creative student Claudius Corrupt king; rules without a conscience Ghost The spirit of King Hamlet; forced to wander the earth Polonius Aged counselor; full of advice Loyal friends Murders Father Father Murders Father Love interest Ophelia Symbol of purity; driven to madness Uncle Murders.

Each Character 27s Super Objective In Hamlet Act 3


Each Character 27s Super Objective In Hamlet Analysis

Each Character%27s Super Objective In Hamlet

Each Character's Super Objective In Hamlet Analysis

Hamlet's Soliloquies Reveal His Personality 'To be or not to be—that is the question (Hamlet, III, i, 64)' The previous quotation is the opening line from Hamlet's most famous soliloquy in which he is contemplating suicide as an end to all of his adversities. 'Hamlet's world is bleak and cold because almost no one and nothing can be trusted ('Folger Shakespeare Library').' Hamlet allows his words to exhibit his emotions through the soliloquies in the play. While dealing with the sudden loss of his father, Hamlet must now face the reality of his mother's (Gertrude) marriage to his uncle, Claudius, only two months after his father's death. Hamlet learns that Claudius murdered his father to become the king of Denmark. These dilemmas in…show more content…
Who would fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death... (III, i, 78-86)'
Hamlet is asking himself if it would be easier to endure a never-ending sleep, or to suffer; he asks who would tolerate the whips and scorns of time, the oppressor's wrong against us, the disrespect of proud men, the pain of rejected love, the proudness of authorities, and the advantage that the worst people take of the best when one could just release himself with a blade? Hamlet wonders who would carry this load, sweating and grunting under the burden of life if one did not have to dread of the after life. By Hamlet's in-depth thoughts of suicide, it is apparent that Hamlet is depressed and does not enjoy his life. 'Repetition of words such as calamity, scorns, oppressor, despised, dread and weary emphasize the mental trauma he is portraying ('Passage analysis of Hamlet').' 'Hamlet's speech contains obsessive concerns with suicide and death. His representation of himself as mentally unstable is an attempt to accomplish his super-objective of avoiding

Super Objective Acting

  • 'Repetition of words such as calamity, scorns, oppressor, despised, dread and weary emphasize the mental trauma he is portraying ('Passage analysis of Hamlet').' 'Hamlet's speech contains obsessive concerns with suicide and death. His representation of himself as mentally unstable is an attempt to accomplish his super-objective of avoiding.
  • This ppt is for characterization (Hamlet) for Act 1, Scene 2. This can be used for any character for any text. A graphic organizer is available as well. I also used the same format of the GO and this lesson for other characters in other scenes. Infused with Regents prep and writing.